What time do streets close for nyc gay pride parade

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Still, the city charms with intact historic architecture while fearlessly highlighting darker chapters from Soviet and Nazi periods. The small queer community is friendly despite the pressures of living in a conservative society without the same protections as LGBTIQ+ folx in more progressive European cities. Must-visit LGBTIQ+ neighborhood: With just a handful of LGBTIQ+ venues, Vilnius has no defined gayborhood. The main event takes place Saturday, June 4. Baltic Pride is the annual LGBTIQ+ Pride celebration that alternates among the three Baltic countries – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

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A large crowd gathers in support of the LGBTIQ+ as part of Baltic Pride in Vilnius, Lithuania © Ja'Crispy / Getty Vilnius, LithuaniaĢ022 Pride dates: June 1-5.

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